Hedge Fund Services
Personally invested in your portfolios.
When you’re always confident in your compliance, you can focus on what you do best: managing your portfolios.

Annual accounting and everything between.
Your financials don’t stop and start with audits and returns. We’ll guide you through year-round nitty-gritty like selecting service providers, filing for the SEC, and even setting up your accounting system.
Fund administration services:
- Computation of monthly NAVs and fund performance
- Maintenance of partner capital accounts
- Interface with limited partners, fund auditors, and other service providers
Hedge fund audit services:
- Issuance of audited financial statements
- Limited scope engagements, including attestation of performance results
Hedge Fund tax services:
- Preparation of Fund Tax Returns and related K-1s for investors
- Year-end tax planning, including wash sale and constructive sale analysis
- Complex IRS reporting of foreign investments