Our Values
The Raines & Fischer difference.
A CPA is a CPA, right? Not the way we see it. What sets Raines & Fischer apart? Well, we wear our values on our sleeves. The same sleeves we roll up to go to work for you.

Taking finance personally.
Our clients come first. Individuals and businesses, no matter the size or makeup.
Our business is your business — understanding your specific goals and accounting needs. We approach it all with personalized service.
Continuing expertise.
Every single one of our partners and senior staff is an experienced CPA. Many on staff hold advanced degrees in law, taxation, and finance. You don’t have to go to a Big Four firm to get expertise.
We’re always focused on enhancing the quality of our accounting and auditing services. To this end, our team participates in the AICPA Peer Review Program: a voluntary program that keeps accountants accountable. We also emphasize ongoing professional development for every member of our staff. Raines & Fischer is dedicated to knowing it all and knowing it right.
Individualizing our attention.
Right from the start, you will have a team of professionals dedicated to you. You can rely on them for anything, big or small.
A simple tax matter? You got it. Structuring a new deal? Partners are at the ready. Your team is just an email or a phone call away.